E-mail us: sila.sprzedazy@prezentika.pl

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Professional Business Presentations mean self-confidence, effective persuasion and faster achievement of the goal.

Professional Business Presentations are designed to help you realize your goals faster.

Presentations from the ground up!

presentations from zero
You send us the topic of your presentation and we do the rest.
Our role is to prepare the presentation’s storyboard. Once agreed we will complete the graphic design of the slide presentation.

Presentations with your content

presentations from content
You send us a detailed plan of your presentation.
Our role is to create and customize each slide, including graphic design, charts and diagrams. In addition we will pick and highlight the essential content and create the headers.

Optimizing your existing presentation

presentation miodernisation
You send us your existing presentation.
Our role is to make your slide-show look professional. We will suggest improvements to your content and slide designs to give your presentation maximum impact.

We can create presentations in any format of your choice.

All our presentations can be embedded into a web page, projected onto a screen, or sent by e-mail.

Power Point Presentations

professional business presentations

We create professional Power Point presentations that help you stand out! A WOW factor guaranteed for no extra charge!

The secret to a professional presentation?

Stunning diagrams, professional graphics and WOW factor, complemented by emotion-filled slide-shows.

As a result your presentation will be well received and understood by your audience; you will also create a professional image of yourself and your company.

Promotional Videos

professional business movie presentations

We use our experience in sales and our technical background to create professional promotional videos.

Persuasive video clips and video advertising!

Video marketing and promotional videos are the most dynamic and evolving sales technique. They are the most effective tool of persuasion.

Just a bit of movement and some music will turn your presentation into a promotional video – ideal for a business fair or a web page.

Prezi Presentations

professional Prezi presentations
‘A Prezi’ is a popular type of original presentations that are now firmly established among other presentation tools.

A high quality Prezi with flair!

With Prezi you will be able to present a solution, a mind map or an innovative idea leaving your audience with a clear call to action.

We will prepare a storyboard and a graphic concept to create a Prezi presentation which has both, the accurate content and the right graphic design.

If you require your presentation in a different format, such as a video advertisement or a Flash/Impress presentation, please get in touch and we will definitely be able to help.


Otherwise we will have to create a professional presentation for you!

Additional services – to help with your presentation

b2b sales communication

B2B sales communication

shadow-less product photo

Shadow-less product photography



voice recordings and music

Voice recordings
and music

power point and prezi tutorials

Power Point and Prezi tutorials

web marketing

Web marketing

Satisfaction guaranteed

Our strengths:

You remain in full control throughout the process of creating the presentation. You define your goals and we make them happen. All you need to do is “OK” the work progress and approve the finished product!
Our advice is based on our own experience – having presented to a wide range of audiences we know what to expect during the presentation. We make sure all our slide graphics are of the highest quality; we use only the tools of persuasion that are proven to work
We make sure each presentation is unique. Our clients value our contribution to the content of the presentations and the quality of the graphics designed to show what they have to say.

How do we build trust and forge relationships with our clients:

17 years of experience in creating presentations

Power Point 95%
  • Power Point is a fantastic tool for creating professional slide show presentations for business. Each Power Point update provides yet more capabilities.
  • Our presentations are also made in PREZI and LIBRA OFFICE (OPEN OFFICE).
  • Still, we love working with Power Point as it has such a huge potential for creating the WOW factor and having a high impact on your audience.
  • Power Point Presentations are not enough – we are equipped with photo movie making hardware (2 x fully equipped Canon 5D incl. Adobe software package).
Graphics – Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel, Gimp 60%

We have facilities in the form of newest software for graphic presentation Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
We work with the latest graphic design software programs, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. We use our skills to create impressive charts, diagrams and templates for Power Point presentations. SHADOWLESS PHOTOGRAPHY – we also offer shadow-less product photographs taken at a client’s premises (we are equipped with a mobile photo studio). Appropriately animated shadowless photos will give the end user an excellent impression of the products.

Video 60% – Premier, After Effect

Video marketing is one of the most dynamically developing tools in the field of sales. VIDEO is the most effective form of multimedia presentations. We use our experience in sales and our technical background in video making to create professional sales movies.

Communications 80%

The key outcome of the professional presentation is improved COMMUNICATION. It is about highlighting the important parts of the presentation.

A good professional presentation will:

  • eliminates misunderstandings,
  • prompt discussions and therefore deepen relationships,
  • provide a visual backdrop and support the presenter in reinforcing his/her message
The Psychology of sales 75%

We create sales presentations drawing on our own training experience in communications and sales. The purpose of these presentations is building your image and gaining your client’s trust during a business meeting. To us the definition of sales is much wider than just a sales meeting; it is also persuading others to take on your ideas and presenting the results of your work.

E-learning 60%

Most materials on the e-learning platforms take the form of interactive presentations. PREZENTIKA is equipped with professional e-learning training tools that facilitate an implementation of the e-learning training platform.

Our services include:

  • creating and designing e-learning training materials
  • editing voice-over scripts
  • creating e-learning knowledge checks and assessment tools
  • providing various e-learning tools: presentations, voice recordings, graphic design etc.
B2B Communication, copywriting

We have been creating professional multimedia presentations for seventeen years.

We specialize in creating presentation for periodic business meetings.

We love creating sales presentations and promotional videos.

We have been creating promotional videos since 2009.

We have extensive experience in analyzing and presenting qualitative data.

We willingly share our experience with our Clients.

Professional Graphics

Creating presentations your audience will be excited about.

Professional business presentations satisfaction

Professional presentations

Some of our existing clients

Prezentikas' clients

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